sábado, 10 de septiembre de 2011

11 september.

11 september.

de Waldemar Branas, el Sábado, 10 de septiembre de 2011, 18:10
Personally, I do not think Osama's group, had the power : operational, tactical, strategic for an action of this magnitude.
On the contrary the special services of Israel, USA, Nato have the ability to organize, coordinate and implement such actions.Finally, as in detective novels:? + Who won the action?? and who were preparing a war against Islam. You know, the White Paper of the British Admiral in the 70's, was preparing a military action to preserve the power of the military industrial complex after the defeat of the USSR. The important thing, maybe not know who executed the action ... but: its effects, the real change of politics American-Zionist imperial-NATO and its new war against humanity in general and Islam in particular.

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